Introducing....Professor Murray!
We officially have a new dog. For those of you who know us, you may know that we lost our sweet Maxx (aka Maxxwellearljonesnagleejohnson) back in September. He was 17 years old and I never knew I could love a dog so much. It's been hard, but I know it was time for him to leave us. So in March, I thought it might be a good idea to start looking for a new dog, particularly since it was my birthday and dogs normally make me very happy. We went to PAWS Atlanta, which is where I got Maxx and we went to the Atlanta Humane Society, but none of the dogs there looked like they were for us. And quite honestly, I got a little depressed and daunted by the whole thing and just ended up crying. Poor birthday planning on my part. So the day after that we went to Target, which always makes me feel better, and there happened to be an adopt-a-thon going on at the PetCo next door. That is where we saw Professor Murray (formerly known as "Buddy" Blech.) We've had him now for about 5 weeks and he's wonderful and we FINALLY got the adoption paperwork in the mail and he is officially ours! Yay!
Congratulations on adopting that fine looking fur!